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Ynnä’s Approbatur is coming again and this year it is on 26.3.2023!

During the evening you just go around some pubs, collect marks and
spend awesome time with other students. The final party is at the Escape where a live
band, will make us dance throughout the evening!

Briefly: what is Ynnä’s Approbatur?

Ynnä’s Approbatur is one of the most popular student events by Ynnä during the year.
The event’s idea is to visit different bars and collect marks which you will get by drinking (it doesn’t
have to be alcohol). You will get a grade for your achievement according to how many marks
you have collected. You will have about 6 hours to complete the degree and find your way to London, where examiners will verify the degree.

At Ynnä’s approbatur you can also perform as a group of four collecting marks as one unit.

The limits of marks you have to get in total during the evening:

Approbatur Cum Laude Laudatur Tohtori
Individual 13 16 20 25
Group 56 68 84 102

There are also mark limits per a single bar, for Approbatur it is 1, for Cum Laude &
Laudatur 2 and for Tohtori 3.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact appro@ynna.fi