16:00 - 18:00

MITÄ? Wappusuunnistus
MISSÄ? Lähtö Mattilanniemestä
MILLOIN? torstaina 28.4. klo 16
MIKSI? Koska ulkoilu on kivaa :)


In English


With spring arriving and the weather warming up, what better way to spend time than going outdoors. Therefore, Ynnä organizes Vappu orienteering on the campus area of the University of Jyväskylä. The fastest and best orienteers will be rewarded! So pull on your overalls and pack your backpack for snacks and a drinks.

The orienteering will be held on Thursday 28.4. at 4 p.m. Event starts at Mattilanniemi campus.  Control points are seeked in groups of 4-6 people, and in addition to the control points, the groups perform more fun and challenging intermediate tasks that can earn them extra points to complete. Vappu orienteering is also a great way to party tonight’s 3MIOT party! The best team wins a prize;)


WHAT? Vappuorienteering
WHERE? on the campus of Jyväskylä University
WHEN? thursday 28.4. 4pm
WHY? Because outdoor activities are fun :)