15:00 - 19:00
Tapahtuman yhdenvertaisuusvastaavana toimii Alla Marchenko (allmarch@student.jyu.fi)

MITÄ? Vappupesis
MISSÄ? Kampuksen kenttä
MILLOIN? Torstaina 12.5. klo 15-19
MIKSI? Koska urheilu on jees


In English


Do you think vappu is about to end? Well no worries because vappu still continues. Traditional baseball tournament between the natural scientist students will be held on 12.5. at 15. The tournament will be held on the campus field where the representative teams of Ynnä, Radikaali, Syrinx and linkki play against eachother. The brackets will be shuffled at the start of the tournament.

Ynnä’s team is going to be assembled on the scene so come volunteer if you have any interest in playing. You can also come cheer our team to victory!

We are mostly using the official rules of pesäpallo. The rules can be seen on the following site: Pelisäännöt – Pesäpalloliitto (pesis.fi) .  The main referee has the right to remove any players from the match for bad behavior or for being too drunk.


WHAT? Vappubaseball
WHERE? campus field
WHEN? Thursday 12.5 at 15-19
WHY? Because sports are cool